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Raising Queens Inc of DFW was founded by Neidra McCoy a natural advocate for girls. She has over 10 years working in social services and in the community at large.  Raising Queens is a youth nonprofit organization that strives to bridge the gap between the world and a princess. We affirm their worth. Through our core values of sisterhood, mentor-ship, volunteer, and, leadership our children will grow.

We can EMPOWER our girls by simply  sowing one affirmation a day  

Our Mission

As a sisterhood and mentor-ship program our MISSION is to empower and inspire young girls (5-12) to be successful : To ensure that the needs of our sisters are met through programs, mentor-ship, leadership, and entrepreneurship.

Our Vision

Girl Eating Marshmallows
Our Mission

Our VISION is to reach youth girls who otherwise may not have the opportunity to experience, express, and confront their fears.

Children Playing Tug of War
Holding a Pink Lollipop

Our Pledge

As a Leaders: to set a positive example to our youth. To be a positive difference. To enable growth in the life of each child.

As a Princess: I, the princess of a queen vow to be kind, passionate, brave, strong, and confident in my own skin. I will always take pride in the things I do. I will uphold my morals and values daily. I believe that I am wonderfully made and can make a difference. I will hold my head up and accept challenges. I am her, the her I believe I can be.

We Need Your Support Today!

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